Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Living The Questions...

A famous poet, Rainer Maria Rilke wrote a poem about living life's questions. Accepting that today you don't have the answers. And that if you're not willing to live the questions today, the day isn't yours. Because you've wasted it.. wondering.
As I pour my third cup of coffee, I think about this and I decide that I'm going to start living the questions. Because in a lot of ways, I feel like I've missed a lot of my life. Thinking, wishing and
wondering, not living.
And the answers never came until the moment they were ready to reveal themselves. Not once. Ever.
There's a rhythm to life. Like water finding its way home. Refusing to live the questions means that we want to change life's rhythm, that somehow we know better.
Because we don't like to wonder.
I'm thinking that I don't want to miss any more of my life sleepwalking through my days. I am living the questions, respecting life's rhythm, safe in the knowledge that the answers will come
in their time, not mine.

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